• All things about Singleton design pattern
    The Singleton pattern is one of most popular design pattern. This design pattern is built based on the regular of only one object instance in whole application. We could use singleton pattern when we need to share state… →Read more
  • Code history in timeline
    Coding history with experience to solve some personal problems… →Read more
  • Notes for calculating boosting factor when using Episerver find boosting filter
    Do you ever use Episerver find for searching content in your Episerver site? Do you ever have requirement about displaying some specific content at the top of search results? The Boosting Filter allows us could set the boost factor of a search result item when matching the boost filter condition. The score of search result item is calculated by: original score * boost factor… →Read more
  • How to understand about EpiServer Promotion Exclusion level
    There are 2 promotion exclusion levels in EpiServer is Unit level and Order level. Please see this example below to understand clearly about these exclusion levels. You are setting 2 promotions namely Promotion 1 and Promotion 2, the priority for Promotion 1 is higher thang Promotion 2. The Promotion 1 should exclude Promotion 2 and […] →Read more
  • How to route a simple url address within action name
    What is the simple address in the EpiServer? The simple address is a single segment uniquely identifying content and its language. The simple address can be used as a direct address without parent nodes included in URL. The situation here You are using simple url address for your CMS pages and there are some pages you want […] →Read more